Parquet Kayu

Lantai Kayu Jati Grade B Untuk Keperluan Interior Rumah Anda

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Salah satu Produk lantai kayu jati yang bisa anda pilih adalah jenis lantai kayu jati Grade B. Jenis lantai kayu yang menggunakan bagian kayu Jati yang memiliki warna 50% coklat dan 50%putih. Warna dari kayu Jati ini menujukan sebuah kualitas dari kayu jati itu. Dimana yang memiliki warna coklat lebih banyak menunjukan bahwa kualitas kayu semakin bagus.

lantai kayu jati Grade B yang kami sediakan terbagi menjadi beberapa  ukuran yaitu :

jenis parket kayu

ukuran lantai kayu jati parket Grade B1,2 x 5 x 20 cm

1,2 x 5 x 25 cm

1,2 x 5 x 30 cm

jenis Flooring

1,5 x 9 x 30 – 90 cm

jenis mini flooring

1,2 x 7 x 30 -90 cm

perbedaan antara Grade A dan B

Perbedaan kayu jati grade A dan B

untuk lantai kayu jati Grade A memang memiliki kualitas yang lebih baik karena warnanya didominasi dengan coklat serta serat yang sangat padat sehingga harganya juga jauh lebih mahal. meskipun demikian kayu jati Grade B ini memiliki gayanya tersendiri ketika sudah terpasang pada hunian.

lantai kayu jati GRade B

bagi anda yang menginginkan lantai kayu jati yang lebih kuat, bisa menggunakan lantai kayu jati jenis flooring yang memiliki ketebalan 1,5. tentu dengan ukuran ketebalan yang lebih tinggi membuat lantai kayu akan semakin kuat dan awet, namun tentu harganya juga akan lebih mahal.

Perbedaan flooring dan parket 2

bagi anda yang membutuhkan lantai kayu Jati ini, bisa langsung melihat produk kami di : harga lantai kayu dan untuk info lebih lanjut bisa langsung menghubungi marketing kami

Jual parket Lantai kayu Merbau Indoor

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Jual parket lantai kayu Merbau – bagi yang belum mengenal lantai kayu, lantai kayu ini merupakan jenis lantai yang terbuat dari kayu, ya.. namanya juga lantai kayu. Lantai kayu atau parket ini memang masih tidak jarang yang tahu. Ya mungkin karena memang jika bicara lantai, tentu kita pasti mengarah pada keramik saja, padahal ada banyak jenis lantai yang bisa kita gunakan dan termasuk diantaranya adalah lantai kayu.

Lantai kayu ada banyak jenisnya. Salah satu jenis lantai kayu yang paling bagus dan paling direkomdasikan adalah lantai kayu Merbau. Apa itu lantai kayu Merbau ? lantai kayu merbau adalah lantai yang terbaut dari lempengan kayu Merbau. Kayu Merbau merupakan jenis kayu yang banyak ditemukan di kepulauan Papua meskipun ada juga yang di kalimantan dan kepulauan lainnya, namun jenis kayu merbau asal Papua merupakan yang terbaik dan kami juga menyediakan lantai kayu merbau asal papua untuk kebutuhan anda.

Secara teknis, kayu merbau merupakan jenis kayu dengan tingkat kekerasan kelas I dan tingkat awet II. kayu ini dipilih karena sangat awet dan tidak mudah berubah bentuk. Dengan warna merah kecoklatan pada kayu Merbau ini juga membuat tampilan hunian menjadi lebih cantik dan mewah. sangat cocok untuk di terapkan di ruang tamu, ruang keluarga dan kamar tidur.

jual lantai kayu Merbau

Yang menjadi poin plus lain dari lantai kayu khususnya lantai kayu Merbau ini adalah banyak mengeluarkan ion negatif dimana ion negatif ini sangat baik untuk kesehatan

berikut list harga lantai kayu Merbau

Flooring kayu Merbau bepel  1,4cm x 9cm x 30 cm  Rp. 370.000,-
 Flooring kayu Merbau standar  1,5 x 9 x 30-90 cm  Rp. 420.000
 Flooring kayu merbau Jumbo  1,5 x 14 x 50-60 cm  Rp. 495.000

produk lantai kayu merbau

Kami menjual lantai kayu merbau dengan berbagai ukuran dari yang standar yaitu 1,5 x 9 x 30-90 cm sampai yang ukuran jumbo dengan lebar 14 dan panjang 50 sampai 60 cm random. lantai kayu yang kami sediakan menggunakan cetakan pabrik dengan tingkat presisi yang tinggi sehingga sangat jarang kemungkinan ada celah pada samping-samping kayu khususnya kayu Merbau.

Dengan pengalaman dari para pemasangan lantai kayu kami tentu pemasangan lantai kayu merbau akan berjalan cepat, aman dan efesien sekaligus awet.

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Parquet Hardwood Flooring

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Parquet hardwood flooring has a very different look from typical hardwoods. They were originally made up of many small pieces of exotic woods arranged in intricate geometric patterns. Modern parquet hardwood flooring consists of solid tiles of wood pre-arranged in patterns, making it easy to install. Parquet hardwood flooring is generally the cheapest, however it is harder to refinish than other solid wood floors and its life span is relatively shorter.

Parquet hardwood flooring comes in many designs, ranging from the basic parquet, to basket weave and herringbone. They come in large tiles made up of geometric patterns composed of individual wood slats, held in place by a paper or plastic mesh backing. The visual effects of parquet hardwood flooring can be quite stunning, and variety can be brought to the room simply by moving a rug of piece of furniture to expose of cover different patterns.

Parquet flooring can be attached to either a wood or concrete sub-floor, however concrete sub-floors often require an underlay to help compensate for any unevenness. Because the smaller pieces arranged in different directions result in less overall cross-grain expansion, parquet is a good choice in areas where the moisture content of the flooring is expected to change significantly over time.

Parquet hardwood flooring comes in a variety of woods such as oak, cherry, mahogany, beech and walnut. It is a good idea to make a dry run of the pattern you want to lay out by laying a test arrangement before permanent installation.

The wood tiles should be stored in the room they are to be installed in for at least 24 hours so they can acclimate to the temperature and humidity. You should buy about 5% more flooring than you calculate that you will need, to compensate for any mistakes. The extra material, if not needed, could come in handy later in case of damage.

Unlike strip or plank flooring, parquet flooring is laid in two directions at once. Parquet hardwood flooring should be laid by starting in the center of the room and working outwards toward the walls. This establishes a centered and well aligned geometric pattern.

Find the center of the room by measuring from wall to wall. Snap a chalk line between the center of opposite walls, then snap another chalk line between the other two walls. The intersection between the two lines is the center point. Make sure the two intersecting lines form right angles. Lay a test run of parquet along the chalk lines starting at the center, working toward the wall. Adjust the center to keep the tiles on the edges of the room from being cut too thin.

Using a trowel, spread adhesive on a 2′ x 2′ area at the intersection of the chalk lines and let it thicken and become tacky. Pressing firmly, lay down a tile on the adhesive using the lines for placement. Ensure the placement of the first tile is accurate, as it will determine the layout of the entire floor. Tap the tile into place with a mallet, placing a piece of scrap wood on top to protect the tile. If any adhesive seeps between the tiles, clean with a cloth soaked in solvent. Working toward each wall, fill in one quadrant at a time. To avoid putting your weight on any one tile, use a piece of plywood as a kneeling board.

The last tiles against the wall will need to be cut to fit. They should be cut slightly smaller than the measured space to allow for expansion of the wood. A ¼” – ½” space is usually sufficient. Allow the new parquet hardwood floor to dry for a least a day before using.

Source by Adele Joy

Sanding and Sealing Hardwood Floors and Parquet Floors

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Tips and advice on Sanding and Sealing parquet floors

This is a guide to follow please take time to read and understand and preferably seek more advice if needed.

Once you have finished laying your parquet floor blocks or hardwood floor start by using a 50 grit sand paper and work diagonally across the floor always with the grain of the floor. If you are sanding an old floor then use a lower grit of 36 to take off the old lacquer you can go all ways over the floor when taking off old lacquer but always finish by going with the grain diagonally across the floor. Once you have finished going over the floor once with a 50 grit sanding belt go round the edges with the edger in 50 grit sanding disk. Then repeat go round the edges working up the grits 50 grit then 80 grit then last of all 100.

Go all over the floor with a 80 grit on the big belt sander then repeat once over with a 100 grit always diagonally across the floor switching witch diagonal to take each once one way then up a grit and go diagonally the other. Once you have the whole floor up to 100 grit then fill. Mix up resin filler with the sanding dust out of the edger it is a finer dust. Then with a filling knife fill the whole floor making sure you push the filler down the cracks “the more the merrier”. Preferable leave to dry over night or three to four hours. Finish the floor with a final sand of 120 grit making sure all filler is removed and sanding with the grain diagonally. Clean the floor when finished with a hover, clean all skirtings and window ledges making sure all dust is up leave about half an hour for dust to settle then tack the whole floor with tack cloth or wet cloth.

Now ready for finishing, I recommend a water base lacquer like bona mega or similar or for high traffic areas bona traffic or similar. Start by applying lacquer to the edges with a brush then on to rolling out the lacquer with a roller on a pole, use a short mole haired roller and spread the laquer consistently. Don’t leave any big puddles of lacquer as this will show and take longer to dry. Cover the whole floor and leave to dry for about two hours then repeat and cover floor again using same process and leave over night. In the morning the laquer should be dry and ready for a light sand preferably with a screen machine or a fine sand by hand 150 grit or higher. Hover clean and wipe with tack cloth or wet cloth.

Then on to final coat repeat as before making sure this time you are perfect as this will not be sanded back. “Voila” you are finished preferably leave over night and that’s it, thanks for reading, if you’re interested in having a parquet floor please check out my website. if you need any more information please check out

We have oak parquet floor blocks £30.00 per meter special online price

Source by Daniel Hooker

How to Install Cork Parquet Tile Flooring

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Parquet Flooring | This how to guide is designed for the intermediate do-it-yourselfer. If you’re a beginner in this technique it’s recommended that you find another how-to guide or visit our website for a more detailed guided; which is available at the end of this article. However, if this is something you’re a bit familiar with then this guide will suit you just fine. It’s suggested you read this entire guide before you do any of the steps listed. So, if you’re ready to get started and install cork parquet tile flooring yourself then continue below.

Step One: Prepare Subfloor for Tiles

The first step is to make sure you prepare your sub floor properly. You’ll need to make sure the sub floor is clean and level. Any low spots in your sub floor can be filled with the appropriate filler. Any high spots should be sanded down with care; you don’t want to then have to fill it in because you sanded it down too much. A level will aid you in this quite well.

Step Two: Apply Primer to the Subfloor

Regardless of what type of subfloor you have you’ll need to use a primer. You’ll need a paint tray (unused) and a paint roller. You will use the paint tray to hold the primer and the paint roller to apply it. Using the manufacturers guide regarding working in proper temperature and humidity the primer should dry in about 30 to 40 minutes. Remember, your primer must be completely dry before you apply the adhesive.

Suggestion: It’s a good idea to use a primer specially designed for cork floor tiles or any primer provided with the cork floor itself.

Step Three: Apply the Adhesive to the Subfloor

The next step is to apply the adhesive to the subfloor. You’ll need a fresh and clean paint tray and paint roller. The trick is to only do about 50 square feet at a time. You’ll want to apply a (thin) coat on your 50 foot square area. A uniform glossy film will tell you you’ve used the correct amount of adhesive, using too much will result in lumps. DO NOT step onto or place anything on the adhesive until it’s dry; use the manufactures guidelines to determine the length of time needed. Once dry that 50 foot area tiles must be installed within an hour. You NEVER want to lay tiles on wet adhesive.

Step Four: Lay the Cork Parquet Tiles

IMPORTANT: It’s suggested that you leave your cork parquet tiles in the area of installation out of the box for a minimum of 72 hours. This allows the cork parquet tiles to adjust to the temperature and humidity of the area and prevent warping and cracking.

When placing your tiles you’ll want to use a standard laying pattern, if you don’t have one you can Google “standard floor laying patterns” and choose one to your liking. Make sure when laying the cork parquet tiles that you mix the tiles from different cartons. This will help maintain a natural color and keep pattern variation alive. Make sure to keep about one forth an inch expansion space between your tiles and the walls.

Step Five: Roll the Cork Parquet Tiles

As each tile is laid it should be rolled over with a mini roller usually one should be supplied with your order. After installation is complete you must then use a 100-pound 3 part floor roller and roll the entire floor several times from several directions. After sitting for about 12 hours you should then repeat this process. After completing the rolling you should avoid walking on the floor for 24 hours.

Source by Brighton Early